100 Kata Ucapan Selamat Hari Ibu 22 Desember 2021 dalam Bahasa Inggris


100 Kata Ucapan Selamat Hari Ibu 22 Desember 2021 dalam Bahasa Inggris

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100 ucapan hari ibu (foto: parade.com)
100 ucapan hari ibu (foto: parade.com)

KLIKKORAN.COM - Perayaan Hari Ibu Nasional 2021 tinggal menghitung hari lagi, mari bersiap-siap untuk segala persiapan.Sudah kah kamu memikirkan apa yang akan kamu berikan pada ibu pada hari spesial tersebut? apakah sudah disiapkan?

Banyak hal yang bisa kamu lakukan di antaranya, memberikan kado secara langsung atau mengucapkan kata-kata manis.Buat kamu yang memiliki tempat tinggal yang cukup jauh dari ibu, bisa mengirim ucapan lewat pesan teks saja atau posting sosmed.

Berikut beberapa rekomendasi kata ucapan berbahasa inggris yang bisa kamu pakai, untuk ucapan bahasa Indonesianya KLIK LINK ini ya.

Ucapan Bahasa Inggris Hari Ibu

1. I’m glad that you’re my mother because I’m not sure anyone else could have put up with me this long! Love you, Mom.2. Your smile brightens each day and makes it better than the last. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

3. I feel so lucky to have you as my mom. Thanks for always believing in me and doing so much for me each day. Have a great Mother’s Day, you deserve to be spoiled!4. It’s my time to tell you how fortunate and special I am to be blessed with a mother as caring, loving as you. Wish you a happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

5. Mom, thank you for being my anchor in this stormy sea of life. I love you and don’t know where I’d be without you. Have a great day today.6. Mother Goose, Ma Barker, Mother Theresa—of all the mothers that ever lived, you’re the “Motheriest.” Have a great Mother’s Day!

7. Happy Mother’s Day to my very own superhero and the No. 1 problem-solver in my life. I hope you have a great day!8. In your arms, you held us. Little did we know but you have given us the greatest treasure that will never fade in our hearts and that’s your love.

9. Thanks for everything Mom, you really are one in a million! Love you!10. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life… and today it is you! You are the best!

11. Mom, you are the most outstanding woman in my life, and you’ll always be my number one. Have a very happy Mother’s Day!12. In my life, I haven’t met a lady as elegant, beautiful, and lovely as you. I love you lots, mommy!

Related: Virtual Mother’s Day Ideas13. Thank you for always being there, Mom. Happy Mother’s Day!

Editor : Saridal Maijar
Sumber : 34068

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