Caption HGN dan HUT PGRI 25 November 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Posting di Akun Sosmed


Caption HGN dan HUT PGRI 25 November 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Posting di Akun Sosmed

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Quote selamat Hari Guru Nasional 25 November. (Foto:
Quote selamat Hari Guru Nasional 25 November. (Foto:

KLIKKORAN.COM - Pada artikel ini, terdapat caption HGN dan HUT PGRI 2022 serta kata ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai bentuk perayaannya.Seperti yang diketahui, perayaan Hari Guru Nasional (HGN) bertepatan dengan Hari Ulang Tahun Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (HUT PGRI) 2022.

Kamu dapat memposting caption, qoutes dan kata ucapan HGN tersebut saat perayaan HUT PGRI ke berbagai akun sosmed pada 25 November.Caption, qoutes dan kata ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut dapat diposting ke IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok hingga jadikan status WA.

Berikut caption, qoutes serta kata ucapan dalam Bahasa Inggris HGN dan HUT PGRI untuk diposting ke IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok.

Caption HGN dan HUT PGRI 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Your figure is my role model, I will always remember your kindness. Praised and best wishes for you, O my beloved teacher.2. O Allah, give our teachers endless kindness and accompany them in their teaching journey safely.

3. May Allah SWT overshadow goodness to teachers who have patiently educated us4. Your figure is a role model, teaching the importance of education and morals.

5. May Allah give you multiple rewards and overshadow your mother / father's struggle with abundant goodness6. Happy Teacher's Day. We can never thank you enough for your dedication, wisdom and responsibility.

7. Dear Ustadz Ustadzah, without your guidance and wisdom. I wouldn't be where I am now!8. Happy Teacher's Day Ustadz and Ustadzah

9. Education is the key to success in the afterlife, it is the teacher who offers the key so we can move on in life.10. May Allah SWT repay you for your extraordinary services in educating us to become individuals who love the Qur'an and religion

11. Thank you for being an inspirational figure full of love, may Allah SWT bless you teacher.12. May Allah bestow health and safety on you

13. Jazakallaj khair has taught me to be warmer and kinder by being kind to me14. Happy Teacher's Day to all the extraordinary teachers in Indonesia. Barakallah!

Editor : Saridal Maijar
Sumber : 131596

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