Caption HGN dan HUT PGRI 25 November 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Posting di Akun Sosmed


Caption HGN dan HUT PGRI 25 November 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Posting di Akun Sosmed

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Quote selamat Hari Guru Nasional 25 November. (Foto:
Quote selamat Hari Guru Nasional 25 November. (Foto:

15. Thank you, mother/father, for teaching me with kindness, dear teacher. Happy teachers' day!16. Thank you for being the guiding light of goodness and for inspiring me to succeed in my studies

17. mother / father is the best teacher that Allah sends18. Teachers like you are the reason why ordinary students like us dream of doing extraordinary things

19. O Lord, shade our teachers with goodness and accompany them on their teaching journey with safety.20. The teacher is the person who nurtures the soul of the student for life. Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers!

21. Happy Teacher's Day, ladies and gentlemen, please accept my respect and best wishes.22. We can only feel grateful and pray to Allah SWT for having a teacher like you

23. All the effort and hard work that you invest to produce the best in us will never be paid off with words24. Happy Teacher's Day! Words, attitudes, and actions that have been done make a lot of positive difference in the parenting of our children!

25. I am lucky to have a teacher as great as you26. I will always remember you wherever I go! Happy teachers' day!

27. Thank you and Happy Teacher's Day!28. May Allah SWT record your good deeds as one of the jihads to educate the nation, ameen.

29. May Allah repay all your unsung services, sir/madam30. O Lord, protect our teachers with goodness and accompany the steps of your teaching journey safely.

31. I will always remember your body, may Allah bestow blessings and goodness in your life.32. Thank you for being a great mentor and sincere and patient. Happy Teacher's Day 2022!

Itulah caption, qoutes serta kata ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris HGN dan HUT PGRI untuk diposting ke IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok pada 25 November 2022. (KK)

Editor : Saridal Maijar
Sumber : 131596

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